Dear Parents,
Students from Theatre I class have been rehearsing for their upcoming opportunity to perform their "Snippet Play" production of their favorite scenes from movies and plays to the students and faculty of Dixie Middle School. Our goal is have 4 opportunities to perform this production before the quarter break October 15th.Therefore the days that we would invite you and your families to come and watch the play are as follows:
If your student is in Theatre I 2nd Period on A Day:
Students from Theatre I class have been rehearsing for their upcoming opportunity to perform their "Snippet Play" production of their favorite scenes from movies and plays to the students and faculty of Dixie Middle School. Our goal is have 4 opportunities to perform this production before the quarter break October 15th.Therefore the days that we would invite you and your families to come and watch the play are as follows:
If your student is in Theatre I 2nd Period on A Day:
Monday October 12th at 10:30am and 11:00 am
Wednesday October 14th at 10:15 am and 10:45am
If your student is in Theatre I 4th Period on A Day:
Monday October 12th at 1:40 and 2:15 in the afternoon
Wednesday October 14th at 1:40 and 2:15 in the afternoon
The performances will take place in the Dixie Middle School Auditorium located at 825 S 100 E. Upon entering the school take your first left and walk down the hall until you reach the 2nd Mini Auditorium door on the right, enter and take a seat and the show will begin as scheduled. Feel free to bring a camera and take some pictures of your amazing student as they perform their work to you! All family, friends, neighbors, and siblings are welcome to attend! The play itself will last about 20 minutes.
This Snippet Play production is going to be performed in the "black box" theatre style. That means that all your student has to wear for his/her costume is simply: all black! Black pants, skirt, dress, shirt, shoes or black socks will do if your student does not own a black pair. If your student has a black shirt with text or writing on it, have them turn the shirt inside out so the text, design, or logo is hidden and that will work perfectly!! Keep it simple, and keep it black ha-ha! I appreciate your support in helping them remember to wear or bring their "costume" on the dates posted above. Your students are wonderful! They have been so fun to teach and I genuinely love them dearly:) Can't wait to see and meet you on the days we perform! Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.
Please also note that it is CRUCIAL that your student is present on these days to perform! If they don't show there is NO ONE in the cast who knows their part and the ability to perform the show will be halted... The play and scenes will simply not work if people are missing, the experience of performing will be lost, fellow cast members will be discouraged and let down, and grades will consequently have to suffer. Please help me make this production happen; your students have worked so hard and the deserve to fill the "fruits" of their labors and have an amazing performance experience. I hope their experience is nothing short of this desire I have for them. See you on performance day!
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